It is a sad fact that every business type occasionally deals with clients who, for whatever reasons, fail to pay the fees owed to that business on time. On occasion, it might simply be an oversight, and the client pays following a call to remind them the monies are outstanding.
Unfortunately, not every non-payment scenario is as straightforward as that, and thus the business owner has to take action to try and get the client to pay them what is due. The question is ‘How?’. The first point we would make is that landscapers should never try to take the law into their own hands and use anything that could be construed as overstepping legal boundaries.
We are talking about using threats, such as threats of violence to try to frighten the client into paying. Other examples would be going to their property and damaging the work that you have done for them. There is little to be gained by any of this and it often has the opposite effect where instead of the client paying, they sue you, or worse, report you to the police. So, assuming, you will pursue legal means to recover the monies owed to you, here are some steps you can take.